Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I'm a Bobcat!

It really happened all SO FAST!

    Every morning I get to school the first thing I do, is check for new job postings.  I started interviewing back in the middle of March, and to be honest, was starting to give up.  Super frustrating.  Well, last Tuesday I got to work, check the job postings, and there was a job posting at South Fork Elementary!  I was so excited!  I quickly applied and then went and found out why there was an opening. Well, then the next few days had passed and I just kept hoping, but was still pretty down on myself, and pretty sure I wasn't going to get the job.  One reason is because the district is averaging 45 applicants per job, totally crazy!.  I had actually already pursued another job in the district and was just focusing on that one.  When Friday morning, my principal comes in and starts talking to me about end of the year test scores, and then out of no where he pulls up a seat and sits on the other side of my desk and says,

"You know I need to be very unbiased about this whole interviewing process, but you need to know that I am very interested in hiring you, I would just love the input of the third grade team before I make a decision."

I immediately got butterflies in my stomach hurried and texted Kyle and then smiled for the next thirty minutes, then my principal comes back into my room, and says,

"Heidi, I wanted to interview on Monday, but can you be here at 2:30 today"

OF COURSE! I text Kyle, went home and paced around the house for a few hours, had to go and visit a friend because I was driving myself crazy, but still hadn't told a soul, because I didn't want to jinx my chance!  Finally, Kyle had come home from class and we were getting ready to go home for mother's day, so we threw all of our stuff in the car and then we were off to the interview.  I get there and my supervisor was sitting in the office waiting to come into my interview and me, we just casually talked until Mr. Carey (my principal) came into the office and then the third grade teacher who was going to be in the interview was came and we went into the conference room and interview #4 had begun.  This is how it went.....

Mr. Carey: "Well, I've already interviewed Heidi, anyone else have any questions?"
3rd Grade teacher: "How did you feel about collaboration in college?"
  I then gave my brilliant answer
3rd grade teacher: "Perfect"
Mr. Carey: "Well, Heidi we really just wanted to invite your in here to offer you a job teaching third grade!"

Tears of excitement, gratitude and relief ran down my cheek!  I have a job!  I am so excited about it.  To be working here in Rexburg, close to my home, a grade that I know i'm going to love teaching, with a 3rd grade team who I am going to learn so much from and from my opinion the best school in the district!  I could not be more happy.  Major thanks to my husband and all those other great people who kept telling me to keep trying and not to get discourage, I did get very discouraged, but I hadn't completely given up, and I think without the great people in my life and Heavenly Father, I would have been even more discouraged, and I probably would have given up after round one of interviews.

Go Bobcats!

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