Saturday, March 10, 2012

Browning Girls Know How to Have All the Fun!

The best thing about having sisters, is they are your bestest of all best friends! Best thing about a mom, is she too is a bestest of all best friends! People always feel bad for my dad because I come from a family of all girls, but he is so spoiled! I wish I could say this blog was about how we spoil our dad, but it's not! It about the weekend that he spoiled all six of his fine ladies! Around Christmas time I got engaged, and then a few weeks later my little sister received her mission call to Columbia, So. Carolina. Times a changing! Which is really crazy to think about. Therefore, my sisters thought it would be fun to have a party down in SLC for the weekend for one lasthooray of Browning Girls. We rented a hotel room at the Grand America with an amazing bathroom which included a huge bathtub! (if you know the Browning girls at all you know we lot to take baths!), ate lots of junk food, shopped until our feet were completely swollen from walking so much, swam in our make shift swimming suits, and we slept!!! OH we slept! It really was a marvelous weekend! I had the greatest time! Kyle was more than convinced that there was no way he was going to make it through the weekend without me, and of course I proved him wrong. He was fine!
Families are the greatest gift which we have, and I'm so grateful for the wonderful relationships which I have with my family! My sisters and my mom are seriously some of the most wonderful women which I know, and they are also the girls who I always have the most fun with! Not sure how they do it, But they rock!

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