Saturday, January 21, 2012

I just felt like blogging...

Here it is, about one in the morning, and I am up blogging, why am I up blogging? Great question! All week I just complain about how tired I am, and then when I have the opportunity to sleep, I stay awake and I blog! Don't worry I confuse myself! But I've still got people who love me!
This week was a good one! I got the best calling in the whole wide world! I get to be the mission prep teacher! Could it get any better? I really think not! I spent a year a half serving my Heavenly Father, and I don't think that I fully realized how amazing that kind of a chance is, until you no longer have the chance to do it. Now, I get the opportunity to help other who desire to give up some time and dedicate it to the Lord, and go and preach about Him and His true gospel on the earth again. I about cried when my Bishop asked me to do this! Really really excited!!! All week my mind has just been flowing with ideas of ways that I want this class to go. Grateful for the spirit which teaches us things which we should do. What a gift! So many of us fall apart when we have to make a decision, worrying about if it's the right one, and one thing that I've come to realize, is that there can be a million right ones. There is always going to be a right ONE specifically!! Then we get all worked up about what exactly we should be doing, degrading the fact that we have been given knowledge to choose. Heavenly Father will prompt us through the Spirit on the crucial things, but it's things that pertain to our salvation is where we're really going to feel those strong impressions from the spirit guiding and directing us to the place where we need to be. His purpose is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man... Small tangent, and something I've been thinking a lot about!
Another thing which I have been thinking a lot about is...WEDDING!!! Um...this is crazy! Who knew how many SMALL and not so small details went into planning a wedding!! This has been nuts! Sometimes fun, and sometimes stressful, and sometimes exciting! None the less, it's getting done. Just one small thing at a time! This week we made lots of decisions, we decided on what we want to serve at the dinner, we decided on what type of flowers we wanted, we decided on what everyone will be wearing, we decided on a honeymoon destination...those are to name just a few. Today, we actually got the best news ever! So, Kyle is from AK...yeah, it's far away! His family weren't sure if they were all going to be able to make it down here, but today I talked to Kyle's mom and Kyle talked to his brother Dean, and Kyle's whole family is going to be able to be here for the wedding. Kyle and I were so excited! What a neat surprise! It really does mean a lot to us to have them there. Family really is everything and then a little more!!!
Okay, so it's 1:23...ha! and I think I'd better get some sleep! :)

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