Monday, May 1, 2017

Camden's 2.5, Harry Potter, and Haircut

People always told me not to compare the boys, but really it's so hard not to! I feel like Aiden is growing so much fast than Camden!  On 4/21 we heard sweet little Aiden's real giggle for the first time!  We were all sitting around reading scriptures, while I was changing Aiden's bum, and I tickled him and he LAUGHED! Oh, there is really nothing more awesome than a sweet baby's laugh!  Of course, that was the end of scriptures, because we all then had to make that sweet baby giggle and giggle again, and again, and again.  It never got old, and it still doesn't!

Camden has a few obsessions right now, and I find it so so so cute and annoying all in one emotion!  He's obsessed with 1- his church shoes, like he sleeps with them on! 2- Garbage days! 3- His purse! Kyle keeps hiding it, and Camden keeps finding it. 

Camden's Crying Face

Camden had his 2.5 year check up!  He's a solid 32 lbs. and 37 inches tall!  He's growing so big!! He's a solid kiddo! He had to get his flu booster shot.  If you'd seen him afterwards, you would've thought they chopped his whole leg off.  While walking to the car down the hall, he claimed he couldn't walk...until I got far enough away that he ran to catch up, and then couldn't walk again. He kept says, "mom, hold you! hold you!"  His way of saying he wants to be held!  I finally put the baby carrier down and held him, and then he did't want to be held anymore, but was still in some serious pain!  When we got home, all three of us took a serious nap. 

While I was teaching, I had made a goal to read more when I quit. I decided that I was going to start with the Harry Potter Series.  My sister Shawna is OBSESSED with them and Kyle has read it twice, so I figured it was a good place to start.  So in the Summer of 2017 I set out to read the series.  I had only seen like three of the movies, so I feel like there was a lot that I didn't know, that kept the book exciting.  I would read a book, watch the movie, read the next book then watch the movie!  Well, 4/21/ about a year and a half plus some later, I finally finished Deathly Hallows and the movies...It felt really good to set and accomplish a goal!  Yay!  It was really hard, I'm not really a reader, growing up I was always told I wasn't good at it, so I decided that I didn't want to do it.  So for me to finish this series was a big accomplishment.  It took a while, but it was worth it.  Now, I'm looking for another book to read.  Gotten a few recommendations, but still sifting through.

The weather the last few weeks have been the absolute worst!!  We've been getting so much rain.  Which do not get me wrong, I grew up in a farming community, so I know how important it is for the rain, but when you have a two year old who is obsessed with being outside, rainy days are long!  but today! May 1 the weather was BEAUTIFUL! It honestly was not even windy so Aiden even really enjoyed it! Hallelujah!!

Today, I chopped off about 5 inches off my hair.  Kyle likes it long, so I've been growing it out.  I just couldn't do it any more, it needed a good chop! It short enough that I feel like I can manage it, but long enough to still have my glorious mom bun!!

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