Sunday, December 18, 2011

Weekend Bliss

It's been a early tradition for my family to go to SLC and to go to the Christmas Concert put on by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square. Every year they invite special guest. This year it was Jane Seymour and Nathan Gunn. All together they put on an amazing performance. I've missed the last couple of years because I'd been serving a mission for the LDS Church in Los Angeles, (which was an amazing experience). It was neat to be with a lot of my family. My whole immediate family was able to attend, and so was much of my extended family. Being with family and hearing all of that amazing Christmas music really helped me to remember the true meaning of Christmas and what this time of year really is about. It's about our Savior, Jesus Christ, and His humble birth. It's about the greatest gift that was given to us from our Father In Heaven. It's the time that "God and sinners reconcile" and we dedicate our life to be more like our gift. How grateful I am to have been able to go to the concert this weekend and to have that fire of Christmas spirit lit. I just hope that I am able to keep it burning throughout the week. I know that being able to do this will all depend on my willingness to try, and do...I will update you on how it goes.
Another thing that was great about this weekend is that I was able to go see all the beautiful lights that are on temple square! WOW! What a sight that was. After the concert was over last night, I really wanted to go and look at the lights, because I didn't have time to go see them before the show. Therefore, 10 p.m. and Erica and I do temple square in fifteen minutes. Fantastic, honestly, the best way to do it! We walked through all the buildings, saw many lights, even saw some old friends, and then we were back in our hotel room. Perfect!
This was a perfect way to celebrate ending a school semester, and getting ready to start another one here in a few weeks. Which is my last one!!! HA! Not sure if I could be more excited for anything else...well, I could maybe think of one thing ;)...Kyle ha!

My adorable sister Holli at the concert!

Temple square + Lights = Beautiful

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

And Here I am...

So, this really has been a long time coming. I've been diligently designing this blog for about a month now, and I've been seriously struggling with how to design it! Then tonight, my wonderful sister, Staci, came over and I told her what I was struggling with, then she says, "Oh, I can fix that!" Five minutes later! It is fixed! So here is my beautiful blog! Therefore, if you feel like you need to comment, say thank you to Staci, because if it weren’t for her, then I wouldn't have a blog.
Alright, I chose the name of my blog happiness happens because IT DOES! Therefore, I only feel that it would appropriate if I were to list the top ten things that make me happy (as of right now)...
The List...
*Knowing that I have a Relationship with my Heavenly Father. Honestly, nothing makes me happier than to know this! I have a way to communicate with Him (through prayer) and He is able to communicate with me (through scriptures & living prophets). Want to know more? Visit

*Family! Who doesn't agree? They are the best thing in this life! Where would we be without them? Whether we have good or bad relationships with them, everyone can say that they have learned something from their family. I love that I can honestly say, my beasties = my sisters!

*My favorite person! Aka Kyle DeVaney! How did I get so lucky for find such a catch? No idea! But Heavenly Father loves me! That is about all I can say. I'm always happy when I'm with him...Looking forward to many more happy days with him! ;)

*Learning! I really do love to learn. When I find myself having those moments of this just makes sense, that whole light bulb feeling. It feels good, you always feel happy when that happens!

*Friends! We all have those great friends. Sometimes we see them every day, or sometimes we just see them or talk to them only every once in a while...nonetheless, they are our friends and they make us happy.

*Chocolate! ha! How could I make a list about happiness and NOT ADD THIS!? Let's be honest! I love chocolate, and regardless of the day I'm having, I'm always happy to see chocolate.

*Seasons, really each season bring something new that I always look forward to! Today, it snowed. I was in my room all morning getting ready, and as I opened the door to see the ground covered in snow, I was so happy! Honestly, in about a month...I'll be looking forward to the day when spring arrives and I'll be happy on and so forth! Seasons bring happiness.

* Kids! I am studying education right now as my major here at BYU-Idaho. It's been fantastic because honestly, I get to hang out with kids all day long! They are so stinkin' cute & hilarious! Last Wednesday was my last day in one of my classes & a student sharpened a pencil and gave it to me as a going away present. Was it hard for him to do? No! But, was it sincere? Extremely! Knowing that these are the types of people that I get to work with for the rest of my life! Makes me so happy!

*Shopping! Okay, as awful as this may sound! I love to shop! I love to buy new things, and I love to wear new things! It's just fun. I must admit, it's not lasting happiness; it always dies after it gets washed for the first time, but for a short day, and you are wearing that new shirt, scarf, or shoes...Happiness!

*Drives! Those days where you have nowhere to go, so you just go anywhere, not worried about anything, just thinking or singing as loud as you can to your favorite song playing. Happiness!

Let's be honest, this list could go on and on and on. Happiness is found in so many things that we do and that we have been blessed with. Let's hope that I will be diligent with the continuing with this blog and I am able to continue my Happy Happenings with you!