Monday, May 1, 2017

Easter, Aiden's 2 month appointment

First off, coming up with post title hard!

Next!  Aiden hit two month old on the 2nd of April.  He's growing so fast.  Camden being a preemie really did develop so much slower than Aiden is.  It's incredibly a different experience!  Fun to see though!  We took Aiden to his two month appointment and he weighed in at a whooping 11 lbs. 12 oz. and 23 inches tall!  Okay, that's 4.5 inches taller than when he was born and like 5 lbs bigger than his birth weight.  It's amazing! He's such a great miracle.  Dr. examined him and said that he's perfectly perfect!  I couldn't told her that.  I was wondering if we'd have to clip his tongue because he has a HARD time keeping his binki in his mouth, but she said when a baby is breast fed, it's normal because their tongue is a lot stronger than bottle fed babies.  One big thing Aiden started doing in his second month is grinning.  He commonly has a mile wide grin on his face! He's always grinning.  He's also starting to figure out his brother is pretty awesome, and get excited when Camden comes around, or if he's upset and I'm in the shower or busy, Aiden recognizes his brother and calms down a little bit.  It's a relationship that I am so excited to watch grow!

Minnie Mouse
Camden, knew exactly where we were when we pulled into the dr.'s parking lot.  He immediately get nervous and protective over his younger brother.  We get called back and we are sitting in the room when the dr.  walks in and Camden immediately buries his face into his elbow...(well back up!  We always end up waiting a while for the dr. so I told Camden he could bring in a toy with him and he chose to bring his cousin Rachel's Minnie Mouse doll that she left at our house) Dr. Sylvia says, "Hey Camden, don't worry I won't look at you! But I sure love your Minnie doll!"  Camden unburies his face and look at her with a scowl, covered up Minnie's eyes and the hides his face once again.  And  didn't unbury or uncover Minnie's eyes until she left the room. I love that Camden really thinks the theory if I can't see her she can't see me work.  My sister in law Lyssa has a couple of dogs and when Camden goes to get off her porch and the dogs are there...he'll stand super still and cover his eyes. Sometimes the dogs back off and let him leave...sometimes they don't.  But Camden's solution is unbelievably adorable!!

Easter was fun this year.  I was so excited to get the boys matching outfits, but it was not an easy task.  I found a jumper online that said its as blue, and I had already gotten Camden a blue shirt for church so I ordered it, and it was a grey blue, but definitely grey!  So they didn't match, but they looked cute.  Camden is really starting to get and understand things like holidays a lot more and it is so so so so fun!  Holidays are way more fun with little believers!  Saturday we died eggs and once they were dried, we hid them and put out the boys' easter basket.  Camden came out of the room and was so excited to see all the eggs "hidden" around the room.  We were at my mom's house and all of my sisters were there, so Camden "found" all 24 eggs and got an applause after each egg he put back in the carton.  He totally loved it!  It was awesome to get to spend time with my whole family.  I know that really we do see each other quite often, but to just be at my parent's house where we can be chilling and all hanging out together, it really is totally awesome!  And my parents and sisters are so amazing with the boys.  They absolutely love it! Camden loves going to grandma and grandpa's and hate when we have to go!  He just goes out in the backyard and runs around with my parent's dog, Sassy, chase the kitty, play on the swing set, play in the dirt.  There are a lot less rules in their backyard than when I take him out to our little play set to play.  I love that he loves being outdoors and I hope he always does!


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