Thursday, January 5, 2012

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!!!

I had great intentions with this whole blogging thing, and it isn't really going the way that I had hoped that it would. But I will continue to blog, even though I'm not too consistent!
I had a great Christmas. I have to first mention that I have the world's greatest parents and they made this Christmas an amazing one! Me and all of my sisters were home for the holidays. It had been a few years, and I think it'll be a few more before it gets to happen again. It was absolutely magical! Poor Holli didn't know what to do when we all came home, and then she got used to us and now she probably doesn't know what to do now that we are all gone again.
There were a few more things that made this last Christmas vacation a great one, and because I am a person who loves to make list, I am going to list the things that made the Christmas Vacation marvelous! It's going to be my surprise list because that is what they all were, surprises...
Surprise #1---
Christmas Eve was fun! We went to have our annual Christmas with the Stockings party. We had soup, played embarrassing games, sang songs, basketball, the usually family gathering type things minus any fights! Then we come home, and of course the first thing that I want to do is talk to Kyle and then watch The Grinch! I'm talking to Kyle on the phone and thinking, "I can't wait to see you in two days!" and then I hear a knock on the door, but yet at the same time Kyle is knocking on someone's door. He was going to his aunts house that day. Staci then comes frantically running down the hall and says, "Heidi, come here!" So, I go up there thinking that some one from the ward decided to play Santa Clause and was bringing us some candy canes, but then low and behold guess what I see... The face that I had been missing so much for the past four months...KYLE'S!!! I couldn't believe that he was there! I didn't ever think in 100 years that he was going to come before Christmas! Grateful for his mom for letting him come down here a few days early to spend Christmas with my family and I. He really was the best Christmas Present, and a wonderful wonderful surprise! I was so shocked when I saw him that all I could mutter out was..."WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"...Grateful he stuck around after my very welcoming comment ;)
Surprise #2---
One thing that Kyle has never seen before is Temple square with all of it's Christmas lights, and when he said that I thought, oh my heck! How is that even possible? So, when he told me that we had to go down to Utah for his cousin's wedding reception, I told him one stipulation was that we had to go to Temple Square at night and see the lights. Christmas lights are probably one of my favorite things about Christmas, just everything they represent it's fantastic!! Therefore, Kyle and I go ring shopping all day in hopes to find the perfect ring. Although, no girl really wants to say, "Oh! I want that one!" because it'll probably end up being like 10 grand, way more than you imply for them to spend. All day, I was stressing out and I just kept telling Kyle, please just pick a ring and I promise you, I'll love it! Little did I know, that Kyle had already bought a ring about a month ago, and was leading me on the whole day. (Although, I do have to say that I got semi even because I kept changing my mind the whole day about the shape of the stone that I had wanted...making Kyle sweat a little;) ) So we shop all day long, and by this time it's about 6:00p.m. and we are meeting his sister at 7:00 in Riverton...I'm getting really nervous thinking that we don't really have time to go to temple square, but I tell him we can only do it in about 15 minutes and then we've gotta get on the road. So we are walking through temple square, I am about three steps in front of Kyle the whole time, pulling him through everything, not stopping at anything, just passing and glancing, because I hate being late! We go over to the north side of the temple trying to avoid the crowds and Kyle starts acting a little funny. He keeps going back and touching the temple, stopping trying to hold me, but I am so worried about being late that I was having a difficult time, just enjoying the moment! Kyle then says, "Heidi, I want to look at the temple from over here..." and in my mind I'm thinking, we really do not have time. That time Kyle is probably figuring, if he's doing to do anything, he'd better act quick, because I'm moving! Kyle then looks me in the eye and smiles and tells me how much he loves me, gets on one knee and ask me to marry him! I DIDN'T WANT IT TO END!!! So, I asked him how long I could make him stay there, it was then that he nervously said, "Heidi..." and I said yes! It was a magical SURPRISE!!
All in all it was a great weekend and I'm very happy for the future, and all the other wonderful things Heavenly Father is going to throw my way!

p.s. it took me 2.5 weeks to finish this post! Maybe I don't have time for blogging ;)

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