Wednesday, June 5, 2024

2017 Summmmmer

Well Summer is coming to a close, and it's been a great one!  A lot has happened.  Big changes for our family!  They've been good for our family, but change is always really hard.

We were content and happy in Magna, we felt like we had "family" there, but back a while ago Kyle decided that he wanted to take his engineering career in a different direction, so after a few months of searching praying and applying, Kyle accepted a job at a firm in American Fork, and we moved down to Utah County.  We feel like this is where we need to be right now.  Kyle has really loved working for this company, he's been impressed by so many things they do.  Honestly, the talk is little over my head, BUT it has been awesome having leave and come home at decent hours and coming home so happy!  I'm so proud of Kyle! He's such a hard worker, and is willing to do anything to provide for our family.  His dream, just as much as mine is that I get to stay home with the kiddos and raise them.  We feel really blessed to be where we are right now.

One change that is not hard to deal with is Camden is potty trained!  At the end of May, I really felt like he was showing good signs of being ready.  And I think he was, Camden just has a lot of stubbornness in his cute little body.  It was terrible!  I did not have the kid that just grasped it and ran with the concept of pooping in a toilet!  WE actually had an accident just the other day!  But I'm going to say we are like 99% there! He's really grown up this summer, and next month he'll be a full on 3 year old.  His vocabulary, and interest, ability to do things on his own has really taken off this summer.  It's amazing to me, how much one little guy can change in just a few short months. I'm so proud of the person that he's becoming.  He's honestly got such a big heart and a concern for other people.  He loves everyone he meets, and tries to make everyone smile all the time. He loves his little brother Aiden is a great protector.  Whenever Aiden is fussy, Camden always approaches Aiden, rubs his head and says, "its alright brother" Which makes my momma heart just melt!  Every week we wait for two specific days...garbage day and lawn mowing day.  The men who do these jobs are seriously winning at life! He thinks their amazing!! Some days we'll even get a honk from the garbage truck and then week has been made!

Aiden this summer, I cannot believe how fast he's growing up and is seriously trying to keep up with his big brother!! Whenever Camden walks into the room Aiden seriously lights up!  But no one gets his feet kicking and his eyes lit up, like his momma!  He's a momma's boy.  Which I kind of love!  I love that he always wants to be in arms reach of me, within sight and sound. Although, his first word has been dada.  He loves Kyle! After Kyle has been gone for the day, and he walks through the door, "Dada" is a word you'll hear from the sweet little babe's mouth! This summer he has become a pro at sitting and reaching for things, he's starting to get really good at pulling himself up.  He's going to be crawling any day. It's seriously amazing to watch a baby grow.  Makes me so sad how fast they're growing up, but what a blessing that they are happy, healthy and strong boys.  At Aiden's 7 month check up he was 17 lbs. 12 oz. & 26 inches tall.  The Dr. asked if Aiden had always been on the shorter side! hahaha, He's def. got some Browning legs!  which is touch thick calves, but short!

This summer I also had my 29th birthday! it was my golden birthday!  29 on the 29th! Kyle made sure I had an awesome day!! He took the day off and totally spoiled me rotten!  He got a me a Cricut. Which I've wanted one for years, and never thought I'd own one.  Now, I just need to get my creative juices flowing!! I just finished my first project which was a growth chart for the boys.  It was a lot of learning curves, but I did it
Getting So BIG!
Father's Day!! 
Moved Aiden to his 

4th Of July @ the Rupert Square!
Camden loves pictures!

4th of July in Magna!
SO so so so so so so HOT!!!

Aiden baby 5 Months!

Millhallow-- This is the booth Kyle and I
had our very first date!

Aiden's First Island Park Trip!

Eclipse at 93%
Camden hates getting his hair cut.
During his hair cut he threw such a fit,
when we were done, he got a snack and he fell asleep.
While he was sleeping, we were able to fix his hair!

Kyle's brother Dean and Natalie and their
kiddos came and visited
for a week in August. 

They've become the best buddies!