Sunday, October 26, 2014

A Trick and A Treat from our little guy!

   Last spring Kyle and I decided that it was time for us to expand our little family.  When we found out that I was pregnant, we were thrilled, very scared, nervous and not really sure how it was all going to work out, but we've had faith we were doing what we need to be doing and our Heavenly Father has definitely shown his hand in this pregnancy.  When people would complain about how had pregnancy is, I never really understood, until I was actually living it.  I feel like everything about me had changed!  Obviously there are all that physical changes that come with pregnancy, but what I wasn't prepared for is how much I would change emotionally and mentally.  One thing that I am naturally good at is worrying.  I come from a long time of worriers and I carry the gene quite well!  Needless to say, bring pregnant I've gone from just a worrier, to one who worry about the smallest things, for example, crying and losing sleep over forgetting milk from the grocery store! ha!  So, you can imagine how concerned I've been over every single symptom I've had during pregnancy.  Last Monday I had woken up and had some spotting, which was something I haven't experienced my whole pregnancy, so naturally I freak out and make an appointment immediately with my Dr. to make sure that everything was okay.  Kyle and I went to the Dr. only to find out that our baby had finally flipped and was now in the position that he needed to be in and that in turn caused some more pressure, which caused some spotting.  I left that appointment actually feeling so relieved because I had been so worried that the baby was not going to flip.  I kept thinking, I'm 32 weeks, no way he's going to flip now, but he did and it was a huge sigh of relief.  Then Wednesday I woke up and my pants were wet, I figured it was one of two things, either I peed my pants or the baby's flipping had caused something to leak out.  I decided to go about my day like nothing was wrong and see what would happen.  I went to school, taught, did PTC, got home around 8 and told Kyle what had been happening all day and he had the same idea I did, that it was probably just from the baby flipping.  We went to bed that night and I honestly could not sleep a wink.  I was contemplating all night whether I was just freaking out and being my nervous self or if this was something I really needed to worry about and get checked out.  After an honest sleepless night, I decided that I would rather be safe than sorry.  Went to school again, got all my sub plans for the day done, expected to be back to school by lunch time I went to my Dr. as soon as possible,  After some test he told me that my water was leaking, we don't know why, but I needed to go straight to the hospital and was to be on bed rest until I deliver this baby.  My Dr.'s goal was to get me to 34 weeks, which was yesterday, and I'll be delivering this baby in a week.  WE WERE NOT PREPARED!  But I am grateful for my mom who has completely taken me under her wing and has been there making sure that this baby has every necessity he'll need when he arrives.  It's been hard for me going from go, go, go, go, go to a 15 minute standing time limit, but I am trying to be patience and be the best mom that I can be for my baby right now.  Kyle has been an amazing rock, and such a good dad and husband to me and this little one. Kyle's been able to give me blessings and reassure me that Heavenly Father has been completely aware of not only me, but also our little guy and that all things have a purpose.  If you are wondering if there is anything you can do to help, I say yes, just please keep my family in your prayers.  We just keep telling ourselves, Everything Is going to work out perfectly!  And I honestly believe they will!

 Baby's strong heartbeat and hiccups
IV=worst part!!!

Baby Boy Sucking on his hand
(The Ultra Sound Tech said he has hair!!!)