Friday, December 14, 2012

His Presence

I have to admit, I cried today.  My heart was broken by the thoughts of the reality of what the world is really coming to.  I can only imagine the reunion that each person received today as they crossed over to the other side of the veil to meet again with our Savior and our Heavenly Father.  I have no doubt in my mind that those children are in their comforting arms.  I chose to become a teacher, for many reasons, but one of the main reasons was because I love the presence of children in my life.  They are so pure and precious, it really is so hard to not to love them. I could not imagine being a teacher in that school in CT today!  11 days from today is Christmas, a day of gathering with family and others who we love.  The day we celebrate the birth of our Savior.  As I thought of all those families today who had bought Christmas presents for those children who they lost, I then couldn't help but remember the true meaning of why we celebrate Christmas.  It's not about the presents or the candies or any of the other worldly things which come along with the holiday, but it's about His presence.  It's about recognizing things which we need to change in our life, to be able to be more worthy to have that presence with us all year round.  With His spirit, comes eternal comfort and the feeling of pure hope which is what is much needed in the world today.  I hope as I continue on through this time of year, I will all remember the true meaning of Christmas, and strive to share His Spirit this Christmas! Because of a babe born in a manger, all those families who have lost loved ones will see their babes again.

Merry Christmas Everyone