Monday, July 30, 2012

Leaving Utah...what a curse!

For the last 4 months Kyle and I have been living in Utah so I could finish my education and do my student teaching down there!  We found a great place to live, we had a pretty good ward, Kyle had a great job, and we lived very close to my older sissy Shawna and close to our sweet Patey family members.  We were loving it!  Everything was so smooth, until we decided it was time for us to leave and head off to the great north, Alaska.  
   One huge problems we had was Connie!  Who is Connie?  Connie is one of the kid's cars that we had purchased years ago.  The beautiful 1994 Crown Victoria.  We were desperate to sell her, because my dad said Kyle and I could have the cash and use it as some traveling money as we drive to Alaska.  HUGE BLESSING! But Heavenly Father was not going to give it to us that easily!  We got a lot of offers on the car, but never real promising ones that were dependable.  So we ended up take her to CarMax to try and sell her there.  Well, all we had was a title which said my dad sold the car to us, and we needed to have a bill of sale or Title saying we were the official owners.  This whole thing went down on a Saturday, when nothing was open.  Frustrating!
   Another huge problem was, the saying, "we really don't have a lot of stuff!"  Everyone has a lot of stuff, and when you get married, you have a lot more stuff than when you were just packing for one!  I started two days before we planned to take off, granted, everything got finished, but it wouldn't have without a few mental/stress breakdowns and my sister Shawna and her roommate Lisa!  They were angels!!  We had so much stuff and packing was a nightmare!!!  I should have started the day I ended my student teaching!
                                                          The two who saved my life!!!
   One other problem is our blasted apartment!!  I could scream at the management!  Okay, so, the shortest lease you can buy through our apartment complex is seven months.  We knew from the very beginning we were not going to be there that long, but figured because we were buying our contract from some friends of ours who were looking to leave the place, we'd be able to do the same.....WRONG!!  Apparently, they got in some huge trouble doing that in the short four months we lived there and they will not work on you anyway, at all to sell your contract!  Therefore Kyle and I for the next few months, will be paying for a place we wont be living in, but some one else probably will!!  You're welcome Farmgate Apartments!

    The last problem and probably the biggest of all was my husband!  No, he didn't say anything or do anything bad, in fact, he was doing what I had asked him to do when it all began!  
  Me: Kyle, will you take out the trash?
  Kyle: Sure.
  Me: Thank you, it's already sitting outside. (**Thought--Should I tell him there is glass in the bag?  No, he'll hear it and figure it out!)
  Kyle: ah!  Babe?
  Me: Yeah, what happened?  (**Thought--Did he just kind of scream?)  
I then go outside to see my husband crouched over our conversation continues...
 Me: What's wrong do you need something?...**I got closer and my eyes widen!
  Kyle: Yeah, I need the first aide kit, can you find it for me!
I was then speechless because he has this huge 5.5 inch gash in his leg that he's trying to hold together and he's hoping the butterfly band aide in our first aid kit will hold it together!  I then look at him, and said, "You need a Dr. and stitches"  The glass in the bag, that I felt to warn him about, had very much cut his leg!

  Thank goodness Shawna was there!  She ran and got her car, I ran and found the most similiar thing to a band aide we have: duct tape and paper towels (keep in mind we are moving!) and wrap him up, he hobbles to the car and off to the instacare we roll!  Kyle ended up getting two layers of stitches, 25 on the first and then 39 on the second.  Which left me with a husband who was in a lot of pain and was unable to lift heavy things...Like I had said, Shawna and Lisa were angels!!

  Even as challenging as it was for us to start our new adventure, we really do feel the way which we are going is the way we need to go, and we are definitely excited to start a new chapter and we feel extremely blessed that we have each other.  What would I do without my favorite person!?

Sunday, July 29, 2012