Friday, May 25, 2012

3 neighbors!

Lately, I've really wanted to start working out again and getting into shape, which is so stinking hard to do!!!!  My mom and sisters and I have all decided this year we are going to do a 5K because I have come to the conclusion that working out to get healthy is not motivation enough!  Therefore, I decided to put a little of a competition to it!  And yesterday I said, today I'm going to start, we all need to start somewhere and I'm going to here!  So I went and drove 3 miles because that was my goal for the day to do 3 miles...go find it, come home, get ready and go!!  I get my iPod, and then my apartment key (living in the city freaks my out, I must lock my door!)  Well, I go, completely convinced I am going to give up like a million times, but I did, I went actually four miles, I went over what I had set to do!  I was really proud of myself, I know for a lot of folks that's not very far, but I felt accomplished.  I go to grab my key, because I was just dreaming about the bath I was going to come home and take, when I realize.....I DON'T HAVE MY KEY!!!!!!  I tell myself, don't worry my sister Shawna who happens to be my neighbor, her car is home, so I can just run over there and well, as fate would have it...she wasn't even home!!!   I know of many ward members who live in this apartment complex, but I have no idea which apartment anyone lives in...then...It dawns on me!!  There is a hid-a-key on the I go in the carport and I am seriously rolling underneath the car looking for it!  It was awful, I only cried on the curb for like two minutes before I decided I needed to go and walk my jog and look for my apartment I walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and walked....and cried a little bit when I got to where I know my key wouldn't be any further by this time it's like 8:30, I've freezing, and I realized I had no where to go....and then finally around nine Shawna was home!  her roommate Lisa opened the door and I about passed out I was so freakin' excited! and I breathlessly exclaimed, "I'm so glad you're home!!" hahaha  And then around 11:00 p.m. my prince charming came to my rescue as usual and unlocked my door!
   I know Heavenly Father intended me to learn something, maybe he's just reminding me of His amazing sense of humor!  Or that people work better in pairs!!

p.s. I spelled going wrong every time while typing this post!!